Tarotscopes | December 2022

Happy December! The year is ending and Sagittarius season is upon us. Sag season is a personal favorite of mine as the themes of optimism, celebration and expansion are at the forefront.

We start off the month pretty aggressively with a full moon in Gemini on Wednesday, December 7th. This full moon is exactly conjunct Mars, the planet of aggression and violence. I would suggest laying low for this full moon, as tempers may be heightened. On a positive note, Mars makes for very motivating energy, use this lunation to accomplish any goals you might have at this time. Unfortunately, I would not be shocked if we hear about collective violence or rebellion at this time.

Toward the middle of the month we have Venus entering Capricorn, making a prime opportunity for investments and setting long term goals.  Venus in this sign is all about delayed gratification and prioritizing lasting values, so keep this in mind when moving through the rest of the month.

Things get a bit more interesting as the month closes out. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion goes back into the sign of Aries, where it had been this previous spring. This transit brings back themes of independence, and using ones will to accomplish things moving forward.

On the 23rd we have a new moon in Capricorn, this moon phase is one of the best opportunities to begin a new business or side hustle. Whether it’s as simple as registering your LLC, or seeking a loan for your vision this is the ideal time to do so. With Venus, the Sun and the Moon all in the goal-oriented sign of Capricorn you will be unstoppable.

Lastly, we have our final Mercury retrograde of the year, which will be tamest one we’ve experienced, thankfully. Nothing major to note other than the usual annoying mishegoss that retrogrades bring.

To surmise, this December astrologically has the perfect amount of luck, optimism and dedication in the cosmos to make anything happen. My prayer is that after reading this you feel assured in knowing you’ve got this. This is not the month to relax, this is the month to chase your dreams. Dare to dream it, dare to believe it, dare to do it.

The tarot card for the collective this month is the Eight of Wands. This card is associated with quick changes or progressions. If anything, view this as an omen that things are coming in hot. Take this month as a precursor too set up the following new year. Want new job, lover, or surroundings? Put it out now and it will come and meet you!  I love when this card presents itself, unlike some tarot cards it is a sign of positive change.


Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is one of the most auspicious and beautiful cards of the tarot. In its most simplistic meaning, it is an omen of joy and abundance. Look forward to an experience that will be so enriching that it will feel like a dream come true. Your heart and cup is ever flowing with joy Aries!


Page of Pentacles

This December, look for opportunity Taurus. The Page of Pentacles is the “golden ticket” meaning whatever it is you feel will free you from what is holding you back is almost in grasp. A person, opportunity or outlet will come to reinvigorate your life.


The World

Major changes might have taken place for you the last few months Gemini. The World card is all about endings and new beginnings, your life up until now may have changed drastically. Unlike Death or The Tower, the endings the world speaks of are of complete cycles of life. You are no longer the same person you were this past year or your surroundings are extremely unfamiliar. Be proud and curious Gemini, you did your best to get here and it is all happening.


The Heirophant

This is a multilayered month for you Cancer, the Hierophant is about both tradition and spirituality. These themes may show themselves in different ways. Some of you with prominent Cancer placements might be seeking a sense of order and routine. Feeling out of place, regaining some control in your life may cure all. On the other hand, the order you are seeking may be from something on the spiritual level. Are you feeling hopeless, afraid or unsure? If this is the case, try and reconnect with your spirit and authenticity. Whatever practice makes you align with these things is where to look now.


Three of Pentacles

December will have plenty of opportunities to utilize your network Leo. The Three of Pentacles. is all about teamwork. If faced with any roadblocks, you will quickly see that a friend or colleague will have a way out for you. Naturally social you have curated a wonderful team to support you when needed, tap into it.


Ten of Cups

Happy times are coming Virgo! Whenever the Ten of Cups appears, joy is on the horizon. If your recent past has been plagued with difficulty, things are about to change. Celebrations, unions and completion of long-term goals are just a few things to keep in mind when then this card is present. If you are in a partnered, you might be getting more serious or committed in the relationship as well.


Six of Pentacles

You are in a great situation financially this month, Libra. December is already a time of year when most people are contemplating gift giving and charity, these are the energetics around the Six of Pentacles. If you feel like you have some disposable income give generously to those you love. On the opposite side if you don’t resonate with being in an ideal situation with money, someone’s generosity may benefit you this month.


Ace of Swords

Cutting ties and establishing clarity are the themes this December Scorpio. The ties we create are not always with people, they can be with a myriad of things. Think of patterns, thoughts and situations that are no longer aligning with who you want to become. The Ace of Swords appears to give you clarity and separate you from these old ways of thinking.


Two of Pentacles

The biggest take away for you this month Sag is to not overextend yourself. When discussing the Two of Pentacles balance is the keyword. At your best you are resourceful, optimistic and visionary. Keep this in mind if feeling chaotic, disorganized and out of sorts. If you have been working too hard or playing too hard the negative side effects will quickly show.


King of Cups

Stereotypically seen as unemotional or withdrawn Capricorn, this is an interesting card to receive this month. The King of Cups is all about being connected to the heart and your emotions. When he appears, it indicates that there may be some internal processing that has been avoided. Take some time to connect with your heart, journal or seek counsel from a dear friend.


The Star

Auspiciously the Star card is the ruler of your sign. Take this as an indication that something this month will align you deeper with your authenticity. The Star is all about being authentic to yourself and being comfortable with being different. December will have a beautiful sense of renewal for you.


The Hanged Man

There is a sense of contemplation or lack of direction for you at this time. Work backwards this month Pisces. Think of the vision you have for yourself or the simplicity of how it is you want to feel. Now knowing this, try devising a game plan to get you there. Naturally intuitive trust that you can make this happen.

Johannes Gårdbäck: An Interview with a Trollkunnig

Johannes Gårdbäck, An Interview With a Trollkunnig

by Missy Rhysing

As a spiritual shop owner, I often get asked by customers about where to begin when it comes to witchcraft and spiritual traditions. After many moons of personally exploring and trying different paths, my answer now is usually to begin with our ancestry and exploring the spiritual paths of our ancestors. Through researching my own Scandinavian bloodlines, I was led to Johannes Björn Gårdbäck’s book Trolldom: Spells and Methods of the Norse Folk Magic Tradition a few years back, and to an apprenticeship with him beginning just over a year ago. The benefits for me have been profound.

Today I caught up with my mentor to discuss what trolldom is and what it is not, how these methods apply to us today, and what it can mean for us to connect with our blood ancestry and the homelands of our ancestors.

MISSY RHYSING: Hello! Thank you so much for talking with me today! I wanted to start with the basics: What is trolldom? And how does it differ from Norse paganism or spiritual practices such as Asatru or Heathenry?

JOHANNES GÅRDBÄCK: Trolldom is first and foremost what we mostly call folk magic. And what folk magic basically means is things that are used in your everyday life, things that work. Simple stuff. It’s not so much about esoteric teachings, pantheons, theory building and so on. It’s more about getting tools to do the work, so to speak. Trolldom itself is a very old word in Swedish and other Scandinavian languages, which had different connotations over the years of course. For some time during the 1600’s it meant to kill someone using magic or seriously harm them. Before that, it was used in another way, and so on and so forth. But basically it is folk magic, things that people do to get a result. So how does it differ from Asatru? Well, Asatru and Heathenry are more inclined towards religion and trolldom is not. We do things for health, for love, for economy and so on. A trolldom practitioner does not so much use deities so to speak, it’s more interaction with the beings that surround you, that neighbor you, your farm or your house, things that you come into contact with without having to seek it out. And there are other elements that are synonymous like seidr, which most people know about. Today that’s more towards the shamanic versions of practice. But in the old days it was synonymous to trolldom. So trolldom is Scandinavian folk magic. Actually the word today just means magic, but we also use it to mark own cultural heritage and methods.

MR: How long have you been a spiritual worker or trollkunnig as it is called in the tradition, and what kinds of work do you do with clients?

JG: I have been working for 27 years, maybe about 25 of those professionally. Over the years, quite a long time, I guess I’ve done everything. In the beginning I wanted to do everything because I wanted to have experience of everything, and I took on every single case basically. So like money work, love work, people who are unemployed, people who want to pass a test, people who have problems with their kids being bullied, women being bullied by stalkers or their boyfriend or ex-husband, kidnapping cases… the whole shebang. Nowadays I mostly do just cleansings- removal of nasty stuff others put on them, cleanse people from spirits, and I teach. But yes I have done most kinds of work. I started out with healing work, and from then it took off in all kinds of directions. But now I prefer mostly cleansings. People come with curses or nasty spirits or things like that- there’s the odd interesting case I take on nowadays. But court cases, I’ve done it all! Cursing of course, helping people die, helping at birth, all kinds of stuff.

MR: When I describe what I know of trolldom to people, often people think it sounds similar to some traditions like conjure or hoodoo- do you feel that is true?

JG: I do! It’s true- the differences are mostly in needs, cultural needs. If I am a farmer in Sweden I have specific circumstances, I need my crops to grow, my cows to give birth every year, milk to come and so on and so forth. But if I’m in an urban environment working in a big city, I haven’t got those needs, but I have similar needs. And all these techniques are basically all mimicking nature in one way or another. So of course they are similar, we are observing the same kind of nature. And this is true for most folk traditions’ practical work. It’s when we start involving cultural specific deities, cultural specific spirits, and of course a lot of esoteric teachings specific to various traditions, it is then that we find these big differences. But still differences are also differences on the surface, because they are all also based upon observing nature in one way or another, and using the same basic human machine to create things and make things happen. So yeah I think the African American folk magic traditions, for example hoodoo, is extremely much like trolldom. It differs because hoodoo went more into commercial products whilst we kind of stopped caring so much about trolldom- we got urbanized and modernized, all the folk dancing and costumes was bad and went out of fashion. Whilst in America you still had a wide spread among the working classes of the techniques. I guess that’s where they went apart a little bit.

MR: What do you believe is the value of learning a traditional folk magic practice like trolldom, especially if you have Norse ancestry?

JG: Well, first of all, you have to connect with the dead, because that is pretty fundamental in trolldom- which means you get closer to your ancestors. But you also get everything connected to the ancestors: a connection with land, connection with root, especially in specific land. And I think for many people that’s super important today. To feel grounded because that takes away so many other unnecessary needs and efforts to get that very same thing, that core spiritual connection with family, feeling of belonging and being at home somewhere. That feeling goes through the ancestral line and through the earth. So I think the value of doing trolldom- first of all connecting with the dead, but also connecting with what they did and how they lived in a sense. Because anyone who read my book has realized that this is old country folk stuff, right? And most people who live in a big city can’t go out, fish up a pike, piss in it’s mouth, or anything like that, that doesn’t work! But for someone that’s fishing alot, like farmers here, that’s not unusual, a pike is not an uncommon thing. So it’s also a way of connecting with what surrounded them, what kind of tools they had at that point. And they will recognize that, they will recognize your interest in these things and maybe draw closer. And of course all kinds of magical work and experiences opens you up. If you are taught correctly, the first thing you are taught to learn about is yourself alot. So anyone with Scandinavian heritage, most that I’ve come in contact with, especially in America, will feel that touch of homey-ness, that kind of root to the ground where you feel this is real, there is something responding in me when I do these things. It has a great value that way, for some maybe the greatest value because you might do magic as an effort to connect to spirit and so on, but what you really looking for is that sense of home, that groundedness. That will allow life and energy to go through you and run through you again, make you feel connected to the planet and with a purpose. That’s what I think is the benefit, apart from being able to do a lot of interesting things with magic.

MR: Yeah, I have definitely found that to be true, and I feel like we really haven’t even gotten quite into the actual trolldom techniques yet, which I was really surprised by! When I started working with you I had no idea that I would be doing what we’ve been doing for the last year! It’s been a lot of personal work and now I see why, I’ve never felt as rooted and connected as I do now.

JG: When I teach magic, as you have noticed, I don’t teach the spells and the trolldom cultural stuff right away because I have noticed that people don’t understand the concept and the meaning behind it. It’s like we take ourselves out of the equation- it’s supernatural. And that’s not the way to connect. We need to connect first, then do magic. If you try to do magic without connection it gets in all kinds of strange directions and you don’t get the spiritual thing. You just get entertainment and story and other things. So I feel that it’s very important to go back to the very basic things that will make this work. Which is the individual, the individual’s own mind. Take that out of the equation and people don’t understand. It’s in the plant alone, or it’s in the technique alone, there’s a special rune- if I only understand this rune it will open me up to some Odinistic magic or something. It won’t- unless you understand where will this show within, what is your relationship to this formula, what is your input in this work.

MR: Your book Trolldom is a treasure. I believe it is the only book written specifically on trolldom in the English language, correct?

JG: Yes. Well we have two parts in trolldom- the oral tradition and the black book tradition. The oral tradition has never been presented in English. Pieces of the black book tradition have been presented for example by Fredrik Eytzinger and Thomas K. Johnson, a Seattle-based guy who wrote a fantastic dissertation on a compilation of all kinds of Swedish black books. So those are out there too. But what I’ve tried to do is take the core techniques known by folks here on the countryside, the old folks used throughout history, and this is the main streams where all these techniques can be found and varied in various ways. No one has done that, not even in Swedish. If you ask a Swede why is there no books on trolldom in Swedish, it’s because here that is a loaded word. People don’t do magic here. We outgrew that! If you ask guys on the countryside, they’ll say yeah I do steeping… Is that trolldom? No no, that’s not trolldom! I asked my grandmother before she died if she did any trolldom, and she did like this *spits over his shoulder* no, no I don’t do trolldom! She knew a lot of different techniques, but she didn’t want to connect that to trolldom or magic. It’s loaded! I’ve met two 90+ year olds who cried when they met me because they have not been able to talk about these things for 70 or so years. So that’s really heart touching when that happens because of the social stigma.

MR: How do these old spells and methods apply to us in a modern world?

JG: Well if you understand them, you’ll understand the principle used. Why are they doing this and saying these words- once you understand that and the process, you can so easily apply it to all kinds of things. All kinds of materials regardless of where you are. That’s the red thread throughout my book, it’s not a recipe book per se, it is a principle book. It teaches you to look through how are they building this, what kind of steps are they taking to build this spell. Then you will find the real treasure, rather than this odd collection of spells that many of which you cannot perform. Like in the black books- so much is assumed and not written out. You have a spell that just covers one line- how are you supposed to use that? Yes if you’re a chef you understand what that means, but if you’re not then you have no idea. So if you look at how the spells are built, what kind of ideas are they using rather than a pike? The pike itself is not what is really magic, but you understand if you have ever fished a pike- and you have that in your experience, you’ll know what that feels like. When the fish comes up and you take it out, there is a lot of energy going on. And that energy put into motion, put into action, channeled by direction and all of these kinds of things, will most likely produce a good result.

MR: Well, thankfully you take students! How do you select students and what does an apprenticeship with you look like?

JG: How do I select students? Well, I have two kinds- apprentices and a course. Apprentices are one-on-one teachings. I used to do only face-to-face because I thought that was the only way to teach. Because then you can really feel where is the other person, you can see all their stuff going on, where is their consciousness now, move it here, see that spirit, now come closer, all of these kinds of things. And I thought that won’t work on video link. But after having tried for two years with a student it works excellently. Then after having had a lot of one-on-ones over video link, I decided to try with a group so I made an online course. Now of course with big groups you cannot put the students all to great tests all the time. You can’t put a spell on them and say ok I put a spell on you, what is it? You can do that one-on-one, and really get that experience, but you can’t do it with a whole group, it’s impossible. With a whole group you don’t see everyone, 5 don’t have video on, 10 watch it later, and so on. You can’t follow them like you can follow with an apprentice. You can still learn a lot from the course! The principles and all these things. It’s the experience piece, the one-on-one experience that belongs to the apprenticeship.

MR: Yeah they are both very beneficial! Going back and watching the video classes now, of some of the work we have already done in the apprenticeship has been great for me! It’s a different way of teaching, but still I have gotten so much out of watching them.

JG: Yeah. I would also like to say that since we are talking about folk magic, we are talking about really basic actions. Really basic situations, everyday life. So I always try to keep that. And when it comes to explaining spirits or inner stuff I have kept that- I don’t go to esoteric teachings and supernatural hierarchies and things like that. Because I found that these simple interactions that we have everyday works much better to describe an accurate way of approaching spirits, things that we already know. The whole procedure is about showing the student that they already know these things, they just apply it here and see what happens.

MR: Yeah. I’ve benefitted greatly from that, even from the lesson we did recently on the tomte, your house spirit. It’s something that seems so simple but until you really work with it and interact… Now I’m hearing her talking to me while I was painting my fireplace mantle! She was chatting with me the whole time about how she loved what I was doing even though it’s a little more modern for her taste, etc… Just working with something as simple as a house spirit has changed the climate of my house and how my house feels. It’s done more for me than running around my house with herbs and doing cleansings in my house. It’s really changed the overall feeling in my home.

I know besides the courses and mentorships there are other ways to learn from you in 2020, do you want to talk about that?

JG: Yes! Me and a colleague from Maine and some others put together something called Swedish Magic Tours. Which holds basically two things: opportunities to come here and learn over a week or so, immerse in trolldom on location on the countryside so that you can really feel that connection to the ground. You can really do what they did- the ancestors, and what these people in my book did. So you get to do that and I will teach one-on-one. And we will also go to the slightly more historically and legendary interesting places to meet with the spirits of the land, dating back to not only the iron age and Viking era, but all the way 5000 years back, so it’s very old. I discovered that really does something to people- especially when you have not felt that ancestral connection. You will get that, and get that very strongly interacting at these locations. And of course if you’re interested in the sagas and so on, it’ll be twice as yummy because we are going to these places mentioned in the sagas. It might sound odd but for us it’s not a big deal! This farm where I’m at now for example is mentioned in the Heimskringla, where one of the Norwegian kings hid when his brother was hunting him. It takes place here, it’s not odd! But we will see with Covid-19, we have a plan for the whole year. We will see what happens with August but October, for those who want that witchier kind of feeling, when the nature is more of a grimmer touch to it with the mists and fogs and moss and darkness and drippier things. October is really something else. Going to these mounds in October is really nice. August is still open at the moment we will see, but October and beginning of December is one too.

MR: Do you have any other upcoming projects that you are working on that you’d like to talk about?

JG: Well yes and no. I’m working on the second book. I promised that I would write a trolldom materia magica book too, it’s started! It’s coming along but it’ll take a few years before it’s ready. It’ll be something different, it’ll be much more easy to practice from the book so to speak. Besides getting to know all these materials that people have used here over the centuries. It’ll be interesting!

MR: Can’t wait for that! Well, lastly, as you know the world is a bit chaotic right now and many people are struggling. How are your spiritual practices helping you to stay grounded and sane through this pandemic?

JG: Well, I’m sane by default because if you are connected to spiritual practices then you are connected to nature if you do them correctly. If you’re connected to nature you’re connected to home, and that keeps you sane. And if you’re connected to ancestors- well for them this is a sneeze! I mean the Spanish disease, the plague, starvation- this is another day, not even a sneeze. And that’s a comforting thing. I had a discussion with another student the other day, I said we are going to start with trolldom divination… And the most prominent question in trolldom divination, old style, is who is going to die this year? Then question number two is who is going to be my partner, my husband, my wife. That tells you a lot about the old culture! It is also comforting because when you are connected to nature, when you are grounded, that is not so far away, right? It’s when you are standing so far up and you can’t feel the ground, it’s then that everything falls as soon as death’s little scythe comes running like this. We live, we die, yes. That’s the way it is right? In nature and in us. So when you’re connected to it, of course you’re scared but you’re also home. If it comes, it comes. And now that spring is here, the flowers are out, the butterflies are playing around, the birds are singing like crazy- if death comes now, it ain’t too bad.


Johannes Björn Gårdbäck is an internationally respected healer, teacher and spiritual worker of Swedish folk-magic. A practitioner of hoodoo and conjure, he is also a founding member of AIRR, the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. He brings solid, firsthand knowledge of Norse, Scandinavian, and African-American folklore to his practice. He currently lives in Göteborg, Sweden with his wife, two daughters and a dog named Bob.

MAIN WEBSITE: http://therootdoctor.se

COURSE SITE: http://www.nordic-magic.com

TOURS SITE: https://www.swedishmagictours.com

Love Letters From a Witch: Winter Witching

Winter Witching

Going inward or going underground to nourish the body, mind, and spirit is as necessary for productivity as it is feared. In this day and age the obsession with doing, doing, doing, and FOMO (fear of missing out) is silently killing our magic. Incubation, hibernation, sleep, and gestation, is not only a requirement for our well-being and the replenishment of our brain and physical body. It is an important and required way of engaging our creativity, emotions and recharging our magic. I encourage you to let your dreams and visions have time for rest. To integrate wisdom and living in the present moment with what is just right in front of you. Do not confuse this with giving up on your goals or being lazy. See it more like a moment to let things breathe. To create space that better cradles and supports being in the now. Just like an expectant mother will take in the nutrients needed and protective care for her soon to be born child, you must do the same for your manifestations and magic. While setting intentions and manifesting your desires are all the new age range, and can get you feeling like the energy is moving. The Wise Witch knows you don’t just dream up a big idea, sprinkle fairy dust on it, then call it a day. Intuition can summon forth an idea or project to be mused upon. Especially when it’s a monumental one meant to help on a larger scale. Whispers of inspiration begin to water and feed the dream with suggestions of activities that support the success of a vision. However, we must go back into the darkness, the void, the quiet to let it form as it should, if at all. When I feel a nudge of an idea, it also feels just as important to give it time and protective space to grow, evolve, and morph into its true form. Too many times I have rushed into action. Telling anyone and everyone what I was up to before the idea even fully came into being. This kind of enthusiasm can fuel us but can be short-lived. As sharing your dreams too early can rob them of their chance to be better than you could have imagined. This doesn’t mean you cannot share your vision, just be mindful with whom and what you are sharing it with. Inviting only supportive ears and supportive energy to keep the momentum until you feel confident with accepting full responsibility for manifesting your wishes. If you have any hesitation, lack of faith, or fear it will also hear you. When these things hear you they let you know by reflecting doubt, fear, scarcity, and downright non-constructive criticism back. The act of deliberate stillness can fortify you. It can allow you to get clear about what is actually needed and available to foster the manifestation of clear intentions. It can also sweep away the static or distractions that have nothing to do with what you are creating but somehow ended up in the same room with them. With the quiet, you can be heard loudly by your guides, ancestors, and spirit. Ever notice how we often we ask “around” the topic of what we want? Inviting in crumbs because the idea of the whole loaf feels, “too big”. The best thing about the quiet is losing our inhibitions to our expression. We can be honest and state what it is exactly what we want and desire, unedited, without worry about it being wrong. There is space to work it out, to edit, to rewrite, and revise until it feels just right to reveal. We can get strong by regenerating in the peace without the noise of other people’s wishes for us. Which are often wishes for themselves? These winter months can be a wonderful time to go back to things we left unfinished, or perhaps abandoned because the busy life called us to fulfill an easier to reach a dream. It’s a time to slow down, and notice the details that need to be tidied up, the contacts list cleaned up, the energetic and psychic drawers sorted, while enjoying visitations of familiar spaces and places you once haunted to gather your thoughts. It is also a great time to peacefully come back to your own practice. To honor what you got here in the first place. By doing so you can energetically inventory what you are finishing up, and leaving behind, so you may move into the beginning of the New Year with no unfinished business. This is the grace of the quiet. The place to clear the decks and begin laying the foundation of a new era. It’s a beautiful time to honor darkness because here is where the light and flame is born within, ready to radiate out and set forth in a new direction. May you enjoy this peace. May you feel the grace within you in the quiet. May all your visions receive all that they require to grow, thrive, and be made manifest out of the dark and birthed fully into the light of your life.

-Marcella Kroll

instagram @marcellakroll


Interview with Loretta Ledesma of Mile High Conjure Gala

Loretta Ledesma talks to Ritualcravt owner Missy Luxe Rhysing about Conjure, organizing Denver's first annual Mile High Conjure Gala on Oct 28th this year, and what her personal spiritual practice means to her.

Loretta Ledesma has become one of Ritualcravt's most sought after instructors in the short time she has been teaching at Ritualcravt. In a class she was teaching last evening, she asked everyone to go around the circle and discuss why they are in the class. Everyone had a few reasons but all had one reason in common: to learn directly from Loretta and from her wealth of experience. This year, beyond her personal practice and teaching, Loretta has organized Denver's first annual Mile High Conjure Gala- a one of kind event bringing the world of Conjure to the Mile High City. I sat down with Loretta to discuss what this extraordinary event is, and why it is so unique to the Mile High City.

MISSY RHYSING: Thank you for this opportunity Loretta! So tell us, what is Conjure?   LORETTA LEDESMA: That is a very, very deep question! Conjure is very at-home, use what you have kind of spiritual Work, that comes from a mixture of African American tradition, traditional African religion, mixed with Native American religion, mixed with Appalachian religion. It's this really beautiful mixture of things that work!

MR: Why did you decide to organize the Conjure Gala?   LL: The Gala is something I've wanted to do for years. I feel there's this really large community of people that are rootworkers, people that incorporate rootwork and conjure into their practice, even if they don't know what to call it. But it's not a very widely represented community in Colorado. And not everyone can make it out to the event Cat Yronwode puts on in Forestville, to the Lucky Mojo event, including myself- although its something I've always wanted to attend. So I thought why not see if I can bring those teachers here! And bring community together especially in time where community is so important. Even if we don't realize it, as a community we are all conjuring.

MR: Tell us about Conjure Gala. What is it exactly?   LL:  It's gonna be amazing!! Well, first we will be doing the Conjure, then we will be doing the Gala! We are going to start that morning at 9am, let everyone come in, get familiar with the building, the teachers, and each other. We're going to do a brief history of the Inn (The Lumber Baron Inn) and why it's the perfect place for this event. We will then be doing an opening ceremony Mesa Blanca, ancestor work is done, ancestors are brought in, any type of messages that need to go out to attendees or any of us who will be there working, will go out through several of the mediums that will be present. I was talking to Ambrozine LeGare about the last time she did a Mesa Blanca and she said there was 120 people there and over 900 spirits came down! Then after opening ceremony we'll go straight into classes and workshops. There will be 6 workshops that day so it will be a day of a lot of learning! 3 of the workshops will be hands-on so we will be actually crafting as we are learning. 3 will be in more of a lecture form because it will be a lot of information to take in! We will have a little lunch in between those, and then after classes we will be doing The Dinner of the Dead. Traditionally it is a silent dinner, no salt, it's an ancestral celebration. Because a silent dinner on a large scale might be tricky, I have a friend who is going to be playing a harp during the dinner. It's going to be beautiful! Then after the dinner will be the Gala- a party, hors d' oeuvres, themed drinks, I have a couple of friends, Blondetourage, that will be DJ-ing for us!

MR:  So what kinds of things will be taught at Conjure Gala?   LL:  All the best things!! (laughs) The morning class is going to be doll babies, which people are sometimes unfamiliar with. It is working with figures that are constructed out of moss, sticks, corn husks... A lot of people have this idea of what a doll is- Hollywood has put forth this idea that it's a negative thing for cursing a baneful work. And while that is true as a part of traditions that we do honor, but it's also use for healing, love work, self love, all sorts of beautiful work. So Co.Meadows, who's lineage goes back to Vudoun, will be teaching Doll Babies. Then Michelle Jackson, this amazing powerful woman, she is the most sought-after bone reader in the world! She will be teaching an introduction to bone reading, which normally you have to be invited in to learn about. It is a secretive, respected form of divination- so to even have her here is just amazing, we are so honored! Ambrozine LeGare does a radio show on LMC called Liquid Libations, and at the Gala she will be teaching Spiritual Bathing. She is our Master of Ceremony, Candelo's, Goddaughter, so she is also baptized in Palo Mayombe. She will teach about Protection and Bathing- Spiritual Bathing goes so far back and is done in so many traditions to cleanse, to bring in, to bless. Then Professor Ames, who lives in Colorado, will be teaching Mojo Bags. Ames is a funny, esteemed professor, highly knowledgeable Rootworker, yet very approachable. So we are so excited to hear about his very traditional way of building the Mojo. And we can all use a little mojo! (laughs)   MR:  All of these classes are so amazing, it's all the things I want to be learning.. Just.. thank you!! Thank you so much for doing this!!   LL:  (laughs) So then after Ames we have Professor Porterfield, he has his own radio show called Now You Know on LMC. He will be teaching Playing Cards, which is also not very widely known or taught. Divination with playing cards, but also how to use them in your conjure work. And to be honest I don't know a lot about playing cards so I'm going to be a student just like everybody else! And then Candelo Kimbisa... Candelo is going to be teaching Spirit Work. Crossing With Spirits. There are so many traditions that Candelo is initiated into- Palo Mayombe, Ifa... he is very well known in the community. Crossing With Spirits will be all about how to work with spirits to work with you, and to help you in your work, to get past road blocks, to get things out of your way. And he will be the Master of Ceremonies!

MR: Can you tell us a little bit about your personal spiritual practice?   LL:  Yeah! My personal spiritual practice is a bit more eclectic. I work mostly with the Santa Muerte- she is a somewhat misunderstood deity, but she dates back to the Aztec religions. She is technically a death deity, she is who we all meet, and she aides us in our transition from this life to the next. Death has always been close, I lost my sister when I was 12 and it was a very public event- there was reporters, it was all over the news, and being at that age I didn't really want to deal with it. So I asked to be able to be hidden and I was able to call this very comfortable cloud up whenever I needed to, especially in those weeks following my sister's death. I didn't really realize what it was until I was about 15, and I saw an image of Her and I knew instantly that is who it was. So in my work with the Muerte I have really learned how to embrace death, and not in the morbid sense, but in the sense of it just being the flip side of the coin. Within my work with Her, I have been able to build this romance with death which really helped me when my father passed away when I was 18. After that is when I became really deep into the work, and then She opened roads for me to other paths that I needed. And that's where rootwork and conjure came in. I also had just had my daughter when I was 18, and I didn't always have access to the botanica, and there was no Ritualcravt then, and it was really hard to get things that were needed. So finding rootwork- it really is about finding what's in your kitchen, what's in your yard, what can you find to help you get this task done. There are things that I incorporate into my every day- from the mojo bag that I hide in my kid's backpack, that I wear, pieces of jewelry that speak to me, and I really believe that part of my purpose in this life is to be able to use these spiritual paths to help other people.   MR:  Well, you do. You totally do.

MR:  So how do you recharge? From teaching, practicing, all that you do?   LL:  That's a good question... Honestly, I do it more. There's something about sitting in front of the altar and allowing yourself to go into that other space that is recharging. There's something about looking at someone's face when you're telling someone things that are helpful, and seeing that hope in their eyes, that's recharging. Or walking into the store and seeing everyone at Ritualcravt... it's recharging. The magic itself- it's a cycle of energy that is constantly giving and that's really what I see this community and this family that you've build as being- it's all very recharging.

MR:   Do you have any recommendations for folks beginning to learn about magic and these spiritual paths?   LL:  Yes. Definitely go to the Conjure Gala! (laughs) And don't ever be discouraged, it's something that even now, 20 years in.... Sometimes I feel that I don't always understand things or that I'm not good enough for this or that I'm not going to have these talents... But eventually we all get there. Be open to seeing the magic in everything. It really is everywhere. And it's ok if you can't buy a certain book or if you don't understand a deck of cards, or if you don't memorize every stone, or don't know the use of every herb. If you remember one- that's huge! And get into walking around at night under the full moon, take walks in your neighborhood and you will start to see plants growing, signs in everything. The second that you're open to magic, magic will find you.

MR:   Last question! What are your six month goals? Where do you see yourself, where do you go from where you are now?   LL:  Six months from now I'd like to have my conjure oils package and out, ready to go. I would like to be planning the next Gala! There's so many things I'd like to be doing! One really important thing would be traveling- I want to get to New Orleans and Salem, Los Angeles... I think those are the big things. I would like the Gala to be twice a year... That's honestly what I'm really pushing for which will be a full time job, as I'm currently learning!! (laughs)  MR:  Well if you're saying that in the middle of planning this one, then you must be doing something you love!  LL: Yeah, I love it so much!! There's nothing more in life, outside of my family, that I love more than this work. <3

View the full schedule, descriptions, teacher bios, ticket purchasing options, and more for The Mile High Conjure Gala taking place on Oct 28th, 2017 at www.conjuregala.com. View Loretta Ledesma's teaching schedule at www.ritualcravt.com/learn, and find her on Instagram at @thedeathwitch. Ritualcravt is a proud sponsor and vendor at the first annual Mile High Conjure Gala.


Author: Missy Luxe Rhysing is the owner of Ritualcravt and a Hekate devotee.

Find her on Instagram at @ritualcravt and learn about her shop at www.ritualcravt.com




Vesta: The Priestess



Archetype:  The Priestess

Color:  Dark Rose

Symbols:  Hearth, Datura, Sacred Flame

Gemstones:  Fire Opal, Black Sapphire, Snowflake Obsidian

Element:  Fire

Signs:  Virgo, Scorpio

The brightest asteroid in the sky is Vesta. She is representative of the sacred flame- from a tiny spark to the fiery core of the Earth. Vesta (Hestia, in Greek mythology) is associated with the hearth, a symbol for warmth and the center of the home. It also means “focus.” Vesta understands that it takes devotion to sustain passion and life-giving energy. With humility, she cares for the internal fire always, creating sanctuaries of hospitality and protection for whom she encounters.

Vesta is commonly associated with the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, the priestesses who tended to the ever-glowing fire beneath the city. The punishments for breaking their chastity vows or allowing the fire to go out were severe. It is important to note that the essence of the word virgin has been distorted to mean celibate, or untouched. “Virgin” originally meant unmarried, and not legally bound. Thus, virgin was an expression of someone who was “self-possessed”, not belonging to anyone but themselves. According to Âsteroid Goddesses by Demetra George, prior to becoming Vestal Virgins under Rome’s authority, moon priestesses associated with virginity were sexually independent. Their desire was primarily to transmit the energy of the Goddess.

Vesta's symbol, the sacred flame, symbolizes the secret powers of transformation. When one commits and devotes to their goals, reclaims autonomy, and engages with spirituality, the Vesta archetype can thrive. Vesta rules over areas of life including: social service, sex work, modern priestesses, and fire/candle rituals.

 Contact leah@moonlightofferings.com or visit www.moonlightofferings.com for an astrology reading or to learn more about this archetype in your birth chart.

In Astrology, Vesta is associated with Virgo and Scorpio, two of the most complex signs in the zodiac.


In the Virgo archetype, Vesta focuses on her work. Virgo ethics include dedication, discipline, perfectionism, and service. Purifying and cleansing rituals, such as bathing in natural springs, were utilized by Vesta's moon priestesses. Vesta in Virgo needs the opportunity to fulfill their sacred and authentic calling. Whether it be due to societal pressures, discrimination, and/or sacrifices for family and relationships, there are many barriers to achieving a self-directed path. Even so, Vesta types will always maintain that spark of life and desire to pursue their passion.


Scorpios are connected to the serpent, a symbol of psychic and regenerative power. The passionate qualities of the Scorpio Vesta are best expressed when uncovering the secrets that intimacy reveals. It is the power of having ownership over one’s own desire. Scorpio’s energy is also linked to imagery of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Vesta’s connection with the element of fire is related to the alchemical process of calcination, the act of reducing a substance to ashes. Saturn, Vesta’s father in mythology, rules over the calcination process. This process ignites introspection and burns away what stands in the way of becoming a more authentic soul.

Author: Leah Samuels is an astrologer, artist & intuitive.

Find her on Instagram at @moonlight_offerings and learn about her offerings at www.moonlightofferings.com.

Reference: The Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George

Image 1: h_desneiges found on on Flickr

Black Moon Lilith

Black Moon Lilith 


Archetype:  The Witch

Color:  Black

Symbols:  Owl, Serpent, Wildcat

Gemstones:  Onyx, Black Diamond, Smoky Quartz

Elements:  Water, Fire

Sign:  Scorpio

Lilith is a wild and fierce force. In Hebrew, her name is translated to “night creature, “night monster” or “screech owl.” She is the quintessential witch archetype, and we are mistakenly taught that she is to be feared. Her mythology is a story of exile from the Garden of Eden for refusal to submit to a man. She returns as both snake and seductress, filled with knowledge. In astrology, Lilith represents the parts of ourselves we have exiled into our own emotional wilderness. She represents a primal nature, and what we have been taught to silence or repress. She asks us to reveal and embrace our shadow sides. Lilith knows that by owning and investigating guilt, shame, and pain, it will transform into power. Locate where Black Moon Lilith appears in your astrology chart (sign/house) as this will inform where in your life this reclamation can occur.

In astrology, the Black Moon is not a physical celestial body. Rather, it is an abstract point in space; an obscure vortex. Since the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is elliptical, rather than circular, it has two orbital foci. One is the Earth, and the other is Black Moon Lilith. Some say she is connected to the lunar apogee, the point where the Moon is farthest from the Earth. Although you can’t see her, she is ever-present, always holding space for our mystifying relationship between the Earth and Moon. Black Moon Lilith’s magic is potent and profoundly healing, but is not for the faint of heart. Lilith brings forth the dark night of the soul, which feels isolating and disorienting at times, but is ultimately spiritually rich and rewarding. Lilith illuminates only your most authentic path, obliterating what is false and standing in your way. She unravels egoist structures that interfere with the soul’s true expression. In social justice work, this looks like examining privilege and working against oppressive power structures. Lilith is full of valid and sacred rage, giving voice to those that were previously silenced. When anger is directed and released in a conscious way, it can lead to justice and empowerment. Lilith's hard work is accompanied by courage and deep love. Transformation can be a painful process, but ultimately carries you to a higher octave of consciousness. In birth chart calculations, I use the "Lilith Corridor," the space between the Mean Lilith & True Lilith locations in your birth chart. Contact leah@moonlightofferings.com or visit moonlightofferings.com for an astrology reading or to learn more about this archetype in your birth chart.


Aries- Primal WarriorFire sets boundaries and initiates acts of courage. Develop positive leadership skills and confident assertion. Your fierce independence cannot be tamed, making relationships a challenge. Work with the shame surrounding your primal passion, body, and sexuality- it is the gateway to your power.

Taurus- Steward of the EarthConnect with earth-based traditions. Become embodied. Plant deep, sustainable roots. You have the power to make beauty blossom in unlikely places. Integrate your shadow of rigidity, possessiveness, and issues around self-worth. You are worthy of abundance.

Gemini- Wielder of Words Heal and reclaim the power of your voice. Release what has been silenced. Understand that words and symbols create and reflect the Universe. With that in mind, cast conscious spells. Reconcile false binaries/dualities.

Cancer- Keeper of the HearthSensitivity is strength. Vulnerability is beautiful, regardless of what you've been told. Fiercely reject misogyny and disrespect for mothers. Tap into your healing powers through accessing compassion. Work with healing modalities. Integrate shadow of codependency and false attachments to the needs of others.

Leo- Creative CommanderRelease your inner roar. Lead with your heart, and others will follow. Access your creative gifts. Don't let your fear of rejection stop you from sharing them. Integrate shadows of entitlement and attention seeking behaviors, or it can lead to child-like ego battles.

Virgo- Sacred Servant Break the chains of servitude and resist exploitation. Discipline and devotion should be directed toward spiritual and sacred work. The mastery of your craft is a divine offering to the world. Your perfectionism and fears of humiliation are a response to being mistreated. Forgiveness and self-love are the remedies to self-criticism.

Libra- Scales of Justice Walk the line of delicate balance. Demand equity in relationships. Restore equilibrium when harm has been done. Justice can be served in a cosmic and karmic manner. Integrate shadow of people pleasing tendencies that lead to dishonest relationship dynamics.

Scorpio- Powerful Transformer Develop erotic intelligence. Direct passion in productive ways. Deep investigation leads to psychological breakthroughs, understanding, and growth. Shatter false pretenses. Own your sexual power. Integrate shadows of fixation and attraction to what’s unhealthy for you.

Sagittarius- Wisdom of the WildStep into the unknown. Your intuition is your compass. Wild and expansive energy should not be contained. Listen to yourself, and be cautious not to buy into others belief systems. The archer’s arrow pierces straight through lies. Learn as much as you can about your spiritual nature.

Capricorn- Old Soul Trust your own authority. Walk with integrity. Carry the ancient wisdom of the earth. Also, allow the Earth to carry you. Choose wisely which ambitions to pursue. Integrate shadow of control and the belief that accomplishment depends on the recognition of others.

Aquarius- Electric Energy Plug into the collective consciousness. Set your vibration high. Don’t dim your energy to please others. Allow your unique brilliance to shine. Help humanity progress through innovation and collaboration. Integrate shadow of conformity and detachment.

Pisces-The VisionaryCultivate spiritual intelligence and psychic awareness. Work alongside angelic spirits and guides. Listen to their messages sent through dreams and meditation. Do not sacrifice your gifts to appear normative. Integrate shadow of victim consciousness, escapism, and confusion.

Author: Leah Samuels is an astrologer, artist & intuitive.

Follow her on Instagram at @moonlight_offerings and learn about her offerings at www.moonlightofferings.com.

Image 1: Phantom Forest by Husvik