

45 MIN | $65

Consultation With Guided Instruction


60 MIN | $100

Check In


20 MIN | $25


You will be booking an in-person reading unless otherwise selected!

Loretta Ledesma, founder of the Mile High Conjure Gala, is a Santisima Muerte devotee, community spiritual consultant and practitioner of Conjure who has a deep relationship with the spirit world and the ancestral realms.
She approaches the work from a Conjure tradition and a close, open relationship with the dead. Loretta walks her spiritual path openly and comfortably with the less freely-talked about workings and brings deep knowledge and experience of this strangely beautiful wisdom to her teachings. She has offered spiritual consultations in the brick & mortar at Ritualcravt behind the counter for the last five years. Loretta teaches at as well as curates the Ritualcravt School in Denver, Colorado. She is a Legacy student of the Conjure man Professor Charles Porterfield. She has learned from and sits at the table with some of the most trusted elders and teachers in Conjure.
Loretta is a maker of conjure provisions including oils, powders, baths & waters. Find her & her work @thedeathwitch on Instagram


A one on one spiritual work consultation with Loretta in a private setting. In this space we will go over the circumstances in which an added spiritual element may offer assistance. You will be informed of suggested materials for the work, specified direction on how to do the spiritual work & the opportunity to ask questions about the spiritual work that you seek. If called for this session may include a light divination into the situation, however this is not an intensive reading. Please bring paper & pen to take notes, you will be offered a great deal of information that you may wish to save & look back on.

Consultation With Guided Instruction
This appointment involves all the details of a Consultation with the added service of putting the work in place together. Learn to dress candles, put together bags or other container work etc. that is specific to the goal at hand. Please note that one appointment for one task is required. It is important to be focused on the goal & not try to muddle too many tasks together.
Please bring pen & paper, comfortable clothing that you won’t mind the possibility of getting a bit messy (we will likely be walking around the shop to gather materials as well as putting our hands in said materials).

Check In
A one on one check in on work in progress. This is an opportunity to check on progress, ask further questions, track results & decide if further steps are needed.

Book with Loretta