Tarotscopes | September 2024
Happy September! This month is filled with weirdness—in the best way— that will help us cultivate more personal growth.
Here are some noteworthy transits:
September 1st: Uranus retrograde at 26° Taurus. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. From the beginning of the month these planets retrograde, creating opportunities that will inspire us to create changes. Pivoting us into a new direction, if willing. Expect the unexpected.
September 2nd: New moon in Virgo.
The Virgo new moon is a new beginning and a purification. It will inspire us to make those changes we constantly put off. A new wardrobe, changes to the house, starting a new career. The things that seem off putting now seem possible.
September 4th: Mars in Cancer.
When Mars, the planet of momentum and aggression, enters Cancer we become aware of our emotional needs. Acting on what we feel, this is tumultuous yet beautiful. For the entirety of the month we will be called to wear our hearts on our sleeves. Look at what you need to be fulfilled emotionally, and seek it.
September 17th: Lunar eclipse in Pisces/ Eclipse season begins.
We begin our two and half year journey with a nodal shift into Virgo and Pisces. This will heavily affect all mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This will allow the collective to purge anything that is not you anymore. That relationship, dynamic or career seems less appealing. This is because you are not the same person you were a decade ago, when this transit last took place. Stay hopeful and flexible. Things happen like this to shake us awake to who we truly are.
The Tarot card for the collective this September is the Ace of Cups! My personal favorite in the entire tarot. The Ace of Cups is the symbol of overflowing love. It is my personal belief that this card is appearing now to remind us of what connects us all, our desire to love and be loved. This card reminds us that our ability to love is never ending and without limitations. Take a hold of this month, and send love to those in which you have admiration, and to those you do not. Being hated has never changed a person for the better, but being loved has. Whenever you are anxious or furious, visualize yourself filling the room with love before you even arrive at your destination and see what happens.
This month, take the time to move forward with more awareness. The Strength card can appear when there are areas of life we wish to live more fully. What creative undertakings are you wanting to explore? If not the creative type, look at what passions you have that you have not taken action on.
Five of Wands
There might be conflicts past or present that are weighing you down. Look to address any misunderstandings and remedy them. As a fixed sign, it is in your nature to not fully let a problem go. You can’t take the past into your present.
King of Wands
Leadership and all its underpinnings are on your mind now. The King of Wands is the energy you are to embody. Boldness and optimism are assisting you as you step further into this role. You have all the makings to be successful in this position!
Knight of Cups
A creative spark is here now, and you are running with it. A vision of what’s possible has appeared to you, allowing you to expand on what you believed was possible. Use this time to follow this ping, and see where it leads you.
Two of Wands
There might be forces at play that are blocking you. A rut, self sabotage or an adversarial party. When in this position, ask yourself the purpose. If the blockage is self-inflicted, look to see what the root of the problem is. If this is an external party, direct the issue head on.
The Moon
Very fitting as we enter a Virgo eclipse season. The Moon is showing up as the enlightenment on the other side of this. In these upcoming months you will be awakened to deeper parts of yourself. Quite literally illuminating the habits, situations and relationships that are limiting you. Use this time to journal or reflect on how you want life to feel. Then, compare it to where you are at. What changes are in your control?
Two of Cups
Love. Love is what we are looking at this September. Whether it be self love or a relationship, you are balancing the scales of how you give and receive love. If single, this can be the month where you prioritize and nurture yourself. In a relationship you might be asked to give it more priority and attention.
Knight of Swords
You have ideas, plans and the motivation to follow them through. Now, all there is to do is organize. The sporadic nature of the Knight is what needs to be addressed. Have intentional actions that are well organized and thought through. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself.
Ace of Swords
Getting clear on what’s next is the focal point of your September. After a period of feeling stuck you have the inspiration to set yourself free. The lightbulb is aflame, signaling that now is the time. Take aligned action and continue the growth you are assiduously looking for.
The Hierophant
There is a mentorship or educational opportunity that might interest you this month. The Hierophant is a symbol of higher education and spirituality. So, it is likely that there will be a spiritual or synchronistic element in how this will unfold. Be on the lookout for signs on whom to listen to and when.
Nine of Wands
There’s a chance you might be playing small or undermining your strength in some capacity. Pay attention to the groups you’re a part of. Are you openly able to shine? If the answer is no, assess why you’re a part of a circle that diminishes you.
Knight of Pentacles
You are committed to your progress and it will soon pay off. Your dedication and hard work is currently in flow. Don’t stop now! Notoriety and compensation are awaiting you.