Tarotscopes | June 2023
Happy June! Things are beginning to heat up, and a resurgence of energy and enthusiasm are
among us.
As we enter into this month, we have Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Leo. There is a desire to occupy your time with the things you value. To create beautiful surroundings and prioritize creative undertakings.
On the other hand, Mars in Leo is hot, and egoic in nature. So there is a temptation to be self indulgent and unnecessarily defensive. Try not to take things as personally, as they might appear.
We start off the first week of June with a Full moon in Sagittarius on the third. This can be an indoctrination of a new spiritual or personal understanding which is more positive than those of the past.
Following this, we will have Venus entering Leo, which will invite a much more luxurious and elaborate energy into the collective. I would look out for overspending, but would encourage a renewal of any creative projects. Something else to look out for this month will be the Gemini new moon occurring on June 17th.
This Gemini new moon will be a slightly dramatic event with gossip or drama which will quickly disappear as we enter Cancer season on the 21st.
On the same day we will experience a Saturn retrograde into Pisces which will make for some rebellion. Restructuring boundaries you’ve created over the past three months could also come in handy.
The tarot card for the collective this month is the Page of Swords. The Page shows up as an invitation to begin to plan, to bring all your goals into fruition. This is the time to attune your mindset and worldview to one which is conducive of what you would like to achieve. The downside of this may be short-term or impulsive thinking. Go beyond setting goals and think about what happens once you achieve them.
This June ask yourself what your plan is, and remember you have all the tools to make them a reality.
Tarotscopes by Justin Taylor { @youwannabejustintaylor }
Two of Pentacles
You are in the midst of change. Life is having you balance many projects and priorities at this time. Try to minimize stress to the best of your ability and trust once this period is over, you will be very happy with the results of your hard work.
This is a period of critical self-analysis. If you have prominent Taurus placements in your chart,
you are expanding and learning at this time. You are shedding limiting self beliefs and are realizing what is possible. Your ability to perfect at this time is unmatched.
The Lovers
Mirroring, and understanding yourself better through relationships is a theme for you this month Gemini. There might be someone who helps you realize areas in your life where you can grow. Be willing to see things differently.
Two of Wands
An opportunity for mastery is what awaits you at this time. In the Thoth understanding of this card it is Dominion. By definition this card is about control. Learning to control yourself, and most importantly your reactions to things is paramount. Practice centering.
A resurgence of your innate creativity is activated this month, Leo. The card of Temperance is the card of alchemy. This theme of alchemy can be an invitation to create something new. To use your talents in a way that will bring joy into your life and others. Start a new artistic endeavor.
Four of Cups
There may be forces at hand that are bringing about an apathetic or melancholic contemplation. When the best question at this time should be what can you do to feel less restricted? There is an opportunity here to reconnect with someone or something that brings a sense of joy and love into your life.
The Chariot
There is a literal move, or a mental relocation taking place. If heading out of a turbulent time you’re on the right track. Outdated relationships, jobs and understanding are shedding away quickly. This a positive transition into a life that is more authentically you.
Five of Wands
Try your best to stay away from unnecessary conflict. There is temptation to engage with individuals or parties who may not agree with you. There’s always also the option to engage with peace. Remember to value your energy and time and spend it in a way that enriches you.
Seven of Wands
Strengthen your boundaries this month. There is a sense of protection that is needed at this time. Stand up for yourself if you find yourself in a situation in which you feel restricted or silenced. Not everything is worthy of your time.
The Hermit
This may be a period of turning inward. There is a practice or discipline that you are being asked to focus on that might take you away from socializing. Engage this time with your full potential, you will be amazed what can be accomplished with some solitude.
Page of Pentacles
A new opportunity for monetary gain is on its way to you. If not in the form of money, it will be something of value to you. A promotion, recognition, an item you’ve desired. This is something you’ve wished for and it should be treasured.
The Empress
The archetype of the divine feminine, the mother, themes of Venus. All of these are associated with The Empress. When she shows up, utilize this as a time to connect with her. How can you be more nurturing at this time? What love do you have to give? What beauty can you create and give to the world?