Tarotscopes | January 2025
Happy New Year!
It is officially January 2025, let’s take a look at some astrological transits:
January 1-5th: Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius.
This stretch of time may invite us to revisit past conflicts or any loose ends from earlier in the fall. So don’t be surprised, or caught off guard if you are confronted with something you assumed was finished.
January 12th: North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo
This is a major transition from the Aries and Libra ecliptic we have had these past years, as the nodes enter Pisces and Virgo. The collective is beginning to pay attention more to the wholeness and spiritual side of life. This will also allow us to remove, or loosen rigidity in our daily lives.
January 13th: Full Moon in Cancer
This full moon is a tad bit dramatic as Mars will be retrograde in the sign of cancer at the same time. Making for an explosive release of emotional frustration. Keep an eye out on those around you and yourself that you are processing emotions in a conscious way.
January 29th: New Moon in Aquarius
A new beginning centered around projects or new adventures! We are open and willing to expand ourselves around this time. This new moon will also be spacing Pluto making for an extra transformative lunation.
The tarot card for the collective is the King of Wands! This is a message to avoid stagnancy, and embrace newness and opposition. Challenge is a form of opportunity and it is up to us to utilize it! Try new things, put yourself in unfamiliar situations. You have one life, live it.
Queen of Wands
A very familiar energetic for you Aries, you’re feeling motivated, confident and independent. You don’t need to wait around for a new calendar year in order to be ambitious. Take the fire within you and make your dreams a reality.
Eight of Swords
Known as the card of interference, the eight of swords is here to tell you to stop worrying. Overthinking is making you unable to move forward, you’ll never know what will happen next. Surrender to the possibility of another possibility.
Page of Pentacles
A new gift, joy or abundance is upon you now. This month you will feel expanded by the blessings that are on their way. There is so much to look forward to.
The Fool
The end of one era and the beginning of another. This January is much more than the start of a new year for you, you feel different entirely. Prepare yourself to start a new story, with new characters, challenges, joys and perceptions.
Two of Cups
You are at a very sumptuous and beautiful stage in your relationships right now. If partnered, this is a very glorious time within your relationship filled with romance. If single, this is a highly magnetic time for you. You are unconsciously matching the energy of which you want to attract. Drawing even more love your way.
Seven of Pentacles
There is a sense of worry that you need to lose in order to move forward. Whatever the case, there is a highly restrictive and negative lense in which you are viewing life through at this moment. Challenge yourself, discipline your mind to approach this from a different angle. Also lean onto your support system during this time. You are loved.
Ten of Cups
A sense of accomplishment, joy and happiness fills your world this month. Look forward to good news, a sense of belonging and magic experienced with others. This is a great month to host or gather with friends and loved ones. Give and receive love freely.
King of Swords
Revaluation of what your current values are might be important. What is it that feels authentically valuable to you at this stage in your life? Reflect on the things in which you place value and see if those qualities are reflected back. Take both material and emotional inventory this month.
Queen of Pentacles
Take it easy this January Sagittarius. The slow, grounded nature of the Queen of Pentacles is here to remind you of the importance of self care. Treat yourself to a day of lounging, shopping or whatever relaxes you.
Page of Cups
There is a child-like wonder that is wanting to express itself. Use this youthful muse to reconnect with creative projects or activities that promote joy. Feel inspired and in the moment!
The High Priestess
Listen to your intuition and pay attention to all the invisible pings. You are being sent messages and are meant to listen. Journal, meditate and be open.
Eight of Pentacles
Mastery. This month you might find yourself gaining recognition for your talents. You have reached a level of mastery or esteem with a unique skill set. Allow others to celebrate and acknowledge them. Additionally this might be an opportunity to start a business or receive financial compensation for these skills.