Tarotscopes | October 2023
Happy October everyone! This month is very jarring and fast paced in comparison to the past retrograde heavy months we’ve experienced.
Starting off strong, this month marks the start of eclipse season. Our first being a Solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. This eclipse season is about people pleasing, playing small or being too agreeable. Letting go of these traits in order to be more authentically aligned is the task at hand. This theme of agreeability versus authenticity will repeat again as Venus will be entering the sign of Virgo on October 9th.
Venus in Virgo is in its fall, meaning the collective will become much more discerning and restrictive in all matters of value and relationships. So we will be much more vocal about what our standards are in all areas of life.
Another thing to take note of is Mars returning to its home sign of Scorpio on October 12th. This energy will allow us to follow through and take action where it matters. No more daydreaming, we are chasing what we want.
As the month closes out we will experience a full moon in Taurus on October 28th. This full moon is about clearing out possessions, whether it’s the material or energetic possession. We are being called to make space for bigger and better things.
The Tarot Card for the collective this October is the Six of Cups. Known as the card of Pleasure, this is a reminder to show gratitude for all we have currently. Look at all the areas in which we deny ourselves joy or restrict ourselves. Enjoy this period of emotional renewal. Share your joy with others, and remember to celebrate even what appears to be a small win.
Tarotscopes by Justin Taylor { @youwannabejustintaylor }
Page of Pentacles
This October you will have a change or new beginning in regards to your career or finances. Paying off a debt, a raise or new position in your existing company. This is a positive and wanted change, celebrating your hard work.
Nine of Pentacles
Material security is always a top priority for you Taurus, and this month is no different. The Nine of Pentacles is both an omen of success but also a reminder that your goal is nearby. Keep working hard, you’re almost there.
Queen of Cups
October’s theme is one of introspection. Emotions, nostalgia and feelings you may have put aside are coming back for you to finally utilize them. Turn to writing, a trusted confidant or artistic expression in this time. Be receptive.
You currently possess the opportunity to start a new creative endeavor. Art is heavily associated with the Strength card and so is the energy of Leo. With this in mind, know not only will you have the creative spark, but also the boldness to follow it through.
Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is entitled Happiness in many tarot systems. This October enjoy the blessings and joy that is in store for you. Sit back and fill your heart with gratitude, as you have worked tirelessly for this blissful moment.
Queen of Pentacles
Self-care is the key word when the Queen of Pentacles appears. Usually stress and anxiety are the cornerstone of your mental framework, but for once lean into something pleasurable. Invest in something that provides escape and release. The better you feel the better you will be able to take care of all that worries you.
The Fool
You are ready for some newness! The Fool shows up to tell you that now is the time for your next leap. If you experience fear around change ask yourself why? The ability to forge your own life and develop more autonomy is here now.
The Wheel of Fortune
Luck, blessings and the Universe itself seems to be turning in your favor this October. The Wheel of Fortune usually appears after what we perceive to be a struggle. Take time to apply this luck into every aspect of your life. What do you feel is lacking in your life currently? Where do you want to find expansion? Ponder these and see where it takes you.
King of Cups
Heartfelt and vulnerable, the King of Cups is here to show you what you’ve been missing. Sitting in your feelings isn’t the Sagittarius way, but this October will change that. This month, look to see where your deepest feelings and thoughts take you. Have you created an environment in which you can fully access them?
Lovingly assess the quality in all areas of your life. What can stay and what can go. Make space to have high quality relationships and items that meet your standards. With this being said, also take atonement for yourself and the ways you can be better, therefore attracting things of equal value.
Page of Cups
Idealism and inspiration follow you this October, Aquarius. An idea, a work of art, a muse may appear this month allowing you to pivot to your source of inspiration. Whatever you are currently calling in, look for people who model whatever it is you wish to possess. See to believe what is possible, and realize you can do it too!
The Sun
After what may have felt like a rough patch things are looking up. The Sun card is an omen of joy. This month will be filled with happiness and bliss as you have been through it as of late. The Sun always breaks the clouds and illuminates the beauty that surrounds us always.