Tarotscopes | June 2024
Happy June! This month is very hyper to say the least. I’m excited to share that the majority of the planetary transits are upbeat and auspicious for most! Here are the days to lookout for.
June 1-7th: Sun conjunct Venus in Gemini. The first week of the month is going to be socially exhausting for most. With this connection taking place, your social life will take flight. Connections worth having could be made during this time. If you have something to promote now is the time.
June 6th: New Moon in Gemini. This new moon will be a rebirth in ideas, how we exchange information or even gaining new insight. During this lunation we might discover new insights about what we want to do next.
June 17th: Venus enters Cancer. After a very busy beginning to the month, this Venus transit will invite more homebody energy. Taking pleasure in the simple things.
June 21st: Full moon in Capricorn. This is a very straightforward new moon. We are letting go of personal limitations, and realigning with new goals. Let this be the time we take a deeper look of what we want, and what is holding us back.
The Tarot card for the collective this month is the Knight of Cups! This is the sign to go after what fulfills you in every way! What fills up your cup? How can your life be more enjoyable? This is your month to learn more about your passions.
Tarotscopes by Justin Taylor { @youwannabejustintaylor }
The Star
This month, you may encounter a renewal in your sense of self. Take this an opportunity to show up in the world with full authenticity. Creative projects can also gain a lot of traction as well!
Ace of Swords
With new clarity, you will decide what happens next. Situations which once troubled you will be resolved, as long as you continue to push forward. Don’t use this as a time to dwell.
Two of Swords
As Jupiter enters Gemini this month, you will be cutting away the troubles of the past. You cannot expand and transform if you’re holding on to what no longer serves you. Reassess any one-sided relationships.
The Moon
Illumination is your theme this month, Cancer. Watch out, as you might discover things you weren’t expecting. Be prepared to get it all out on the table now. Don’t avoid the conflicts that may arise.
The Sun
After a tough go at things, your luck is returning. The Sun is your card, signifying a sense of ease and joy returning to your life. Feel assured that starting now, you will get whatever it is you’re yearning for.
Five of Wands
Conflict is seeming to be omnipresent in your life at this juncture. Take this time to tap into your innate ability to problem solve and build a plan to reduce any obstacles. Where are you stuck in your ways? Where are these challenges fixable on your part? We can never change other people, but we can change the ways we show up.
Nine of Cups
Things are starting to look up. Slowly but surely, you’ve built yourself up to this point. You have so many things to be grateful for, and the future looks even brighter. Success and happiness are the hallmarks of this card. Take a step back and enjoy the blessings.
Seven of Pentacles
Investments from the past are now showing their value. Whether it’s an old friend, a random connection, or a literal investment, you will see it pay off. This is a time to pay attention to how things are lining up. Sometimes things happen for a reason.
Now is not the time to act out of impulse. Take a beat, and take aligned action. Sometimes it’s about being receptive and not trying to lead. Miracles happen when one is in flow, and not in force.
The Devil
You are currently in the throes of a situation which feels insurmountable. Take a step back and view the situation for what it is. Where can you take your power back? Where can you see how this situation isn’t working in your favor? Remove yourself from the bind, and take your power back.
Six of Cups
Finding peace is at the forefront of your life right now. You may be experiencing growing pains, outgrowing certain people and places. There is nothing wrong with this. Take this moment to look at the past fondly and journey forward.
The Lovers
A heightened importance is being placed upon your relationships this month. Both platonic and romantic relationships are up for closer inspection. How do you show up for the ones you love? How are your loved ones showing up for you? Give and receive love.