Tarotscopes | January 2023
Happy New Year! It is officially 2023, and this January starts off with a series of interesting transits. Mercury will be retrograde for almost the entirety of the month, not stationing direct until the 18th. After this, we will notice a resurgence of our cerebral capacity and our
willingness to plan ahead.
On the third of the month we have Venus entering Aquarius. This will be interesting for the collective as it will bring about a more open minded perspective. There is no sign more “free love” than Aquarius. If single or casual dating, you might notice some interesting or shocking behavior.
The 6th of the month we have a full moon in Cancer, meaning it’ll be time to grab all the tissues babes. This lunation is emotionally more intense as cancer rules deep feelings, and is pulled by the moon itself. Look forward to a very healthy emotional release around this time, or heartfelt moment shared with loved ones.
As the month progresses things begin to reach some normalcy. Mars, after spending the past few months in retrograde, will finally station direct on the 12th. This transit will spring us forward, and will help things manifest more effortlessly.
The ending of this month is very impactful as well with a new moon in Aquarius on the 21st. This new moon symbolizes the start of Aquarius season and ushers in a wave of brain power. If traditional manifestation is your thing, this is the moon cycle for you. Naturally free spirited, your feelings to do more and be more will be amplified.
The Tarot card for the collective this month is the Four of Wands. Celebration, openness and the possibilities for something new to begin. In the deck I primarily read with (the Pagan Otherworlds) this card is symbolized by an archway, entering onto a castle. New beginnings, a beautiful liminal space where anything can happen. The perfect card to start a new year.
Page of Wands
There is a sense of adventure and excitement this year, Aries. A new task or ambition might be igniting within you, urging you to start something. Start thinking of what it is you wish to accomplish next, and know the Page is an omen that you will achieve it in record time.
Three of Wands
This January is all about looking toward the future with optimism, and collaborating to make your goals a reality. This month compile a list of what it is you are truly wanting, and think about anyone who would be able to assist. You will notice how many people are truly waiting in the wings to help you succeed.
Two of Cups
Focus on close relationships at this time. The Two of Cups is about what it means to freely give and receive love. If you have had a recent rough patch with someone close, the is a great indication things will mend. If single, you might meet someone worth while.
Ten of Cups
Happiness, fulfillment and emotional success are in the works, Cancer. After what has seemed like a series of unfortunate events, a big win is in store. Moving into your ideal home, taking the next step with a partner, getting recognized in an important way. Something truly special is making its way.
The Fool
Starting over, beginning something new, expanding into something unseen. These are the energetics around you this month Leo. When the fool appears, take it as a happy ending to what has come before. Look at your life and take inventory of what you can let go, and move forward accordingly.
Five of Wands
As Mercury is in retrograde for a majority of this month, this card seems very on brand. The Five of Wands is a sign of conflict and infighting. Being ruled by Mercury, the hang-ups of this retrograde might feel more intense for you. Try your best to stay out of petty fights, and resolve any resentments as soon as possible.
Queen of Pentacles
Do less this January, Libra. The Queen of Pentacles is your reminder to do things that nourish you. As a material being on a material plane, do not feel any guilt over treating yourself to some luxury. Whatever luxury or pleasure means to you, invest in it.
If any issues arise for you at the beginning of this year, know you are strong enough to overcome them. Strength is a symbol that we have the power to change our current circumstances. There also might be a way to release or heal by using your creativity.
The Lovers
The Lovers rules relationships and duality on all levels. At this time take note of how you are showing up for those who are close to you. Are there any negative qualities you are unconsciously displaying? If so, they might become mirrored back to you. In all partnerships it takes two to tango.
Nine of Swords
With a plethora of transits and retrogrades in your sign it makes sense your anxieties may be heightened. The Nine of Swords is a troubling card; an indicator of negative thought patterns, anxiety and pessimism. Remember that every problem has a solution, and that you are capable
of changing what troubles you.
The Chariot
You are at the beginning of a major upgrade Aquarius! The Chariot is taking you on a ride to all things bigger and better. If wanting to move into a new job, living situation or circumstance now is the time. The Chariot is built to handle the shakiest of paths, if you feel called to make a change do so.
Three of Cups
Time to celebrate Pisces! There is most likely a positive social gathering entering your life at some point in this month. If this is not the case, create one! Spending time with people who love you is always a good idea.