Tarot Reading


30 MIN | $60

45 MIN| $75

60 MIN| $99

Lenormand Reading


30 MIN | $60

45 MIN| $75

60 MIN| $99


You will be booking an in-person reading unless otherwise selected!

Andrea’s fascination with reading cards began from a young age after being introduced to the Smith-Waite Tarot. From then on, she began to explore different methods of divination and fell in love with Lenormand, a system of cartomancy originating in early 19th century Europe.

Andrea’s style of reading cards could be described as pragmatic and deeply rooted in tradition, influenced by a true reverence for the sibyls of the past. Andrea uses oracles like Lenormand to either provide practical advice with everyday issues or peer into the time to come, empowering you on your personal journey to find the best way to move forward.

Whether using Lenormand or Tarot, Andrea aims to provide readings that deliver the clarity and insight embedded within the cards, providing guidance with whatever issue you may bring into a session.

Book with Andrea